SMR & Advanced Reactors

Nuclear instrumentation supplier

Photonis is proud to supply instrumentation to France’s entire nuclear fleet and reactors abroad with generation III+ design. Our devices are designed such that their technical specifications can be adapted to various customer requirements worldwide, with references on generation II, III, and IV reactors. Involved in the different study phases on SMR/Advanced Reactors, Photonis offers its expertise in France and worldwide, and tailors its products to the different X-SMR technologies. Future reactors are Generation IV reactors which integrate major technological breakthroughs compared with the previous generation of reactors. Market trend is mainly focusing on sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFR), and on other fast reactors (lead-cooled fast reactor, for example).

Thanks to the CEA partnership, Photonis Nuclear Instrumentation has already supplied detectors for high temperature applications in France for the following projects:

  • Phénix project – a fast breeder reactor prototype
  • Superphénix or SPX project – another fast breeder reactor prototype
  • ASTRID project – the Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration

Additionally, Photonis also holds references in magnetic confinement fusion and contributes to the international roadmap for research in this field. Photonis actively works with the international project ITER, which brings together the European Union, the US, Japan, China, South Korea and India.

Nuclear reactorReactor schema

(Image: Nuclear Engineering International)


(Image: CEA) 


Reactor schema cut

(Image: ITER)


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